Parish Council Website Madeley Village.
Staffordshire Council Web Site County of Staffordshire.
Neighbourhood Watch Madeley Village Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.A continual blight on our village is the increased incidence of vandalism, drunkenness and threatening behaviour perpetrated by a small minority on residents and visitors to Madeley.
You now have the opportunity to help stamp out this insidious destruction and erosion of our ‘way of life’.
Help the village to help you, by reporting any incidents that occur which are deemed to be of an anti-social nature.
The most effective method of curtailing persons carrying out these acts is to fill in the log provided here and submitting it.
Download – Guidance Notes Download – Anti-Social Behaviour Log
Please sign and date the logs before you return them to:
Natalie Snell
Senior Partnerships Officer, Anti-Social Behaviour Lead at Newcastle Borough Council.GUIDANCE NOTES FOR COMPLETING ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR/NUISANCE INCIDENT LOGS
To allow us to investigate your complaint as fully as possible, and to take the appropriate action, details of the problems that you and/or your neighbours have been experiencing need to be detailed on the forms enclosed.
A covering sheet must be completed for each separate individual/householder causing you the problem. If you do not know the individuals or it is a group of people causing the nuisance please use one covering sheet. Continuation sheets are provided and you should number them accordingly.
The information you provide may be exchanged with other organisations within the Community Safety Partnership to enable a full and co-ordinated response to this issue.
When completing the Log Sheets please:
- Write clearly – if you have difficulty with reading/writing skills please ask a friend to help you.
- Use black or blue ballpoint pen since the information may need to be photocopied.
- If you make a mistake cross it out – please do not use liquid paper or an eraser.
- Each incident should be detailed individually – do not worry if you do not have enough space! Carry on writing on the next line but make sure it is clear when you detail the next incident.
- Please ensure when you fill in the date and time you include the year and whether the incident was morning or evening (am or pm).
- Give as much detail as possible for each incident.
Where you were, what you were doing, how the incident started, when you noticed the nuisance, who was causing the problem – if you know their name and address please state this. Give as much detail to individuals as possible – height, age, clothing, distinguished marks (i.e. tattoos, piercings, etc), hair colour, etc. Detail what was being said and quote exact words, even if this maybe language you do not use yourself (you may find this offensive but it is very important in building a full picture of the individuals and their behaviour)
- Please sign each incident log entry once you have added the incident on the sheet and DO THIS AS SOON AS IS PRACTICALLY POSSIBLE.
Please sign and date the logs before you return it to: Natalie Snell
Senior Partnerships Officer, Anti-Social Behaviour Lead, Newcastle Borough Council in the envelope provided.