Parish Council – Contact Us

Please note our new web site address.

Welcome to Madeley

Welcome to Madeley

Madeley Parish Council consists of 13 elected members who serve the areas of Madeley, Onneley, Madeley Heath and Leycett. An uncontested election took place on 3rd May 2018 and the term of office is for 4 years. The next Parish Council election will take place in May 2022. Elections are held (unless uncontested) at the end of every term of office.

Please follow the link below for Parish Councillor contact details. These are correct as at July 2020

list of councillors July 20

On 28th June 2012, Madeley Parish Council adopted a Code of Conduct. This code deals with councillors’ obligations about their conduct including the registration and disclosure of their interests.

Please follow the link below to view the Code of Conduct.

Code of Conduct for Madeley Parish Council adopted 28 6 12

The register of interests is held at Newcastle Borough Council Offices and is available by appointment with the monitoring officer.

Madeley Parish Council has a number of advisory committees that look at specific themes, issues and projects throughout the year. A committee will make recommendations to the regular full council, who will then make appropriate decisions.

The Parish Council also nominates individuals to represent the Council on external groups and organisations.

Follow the link below to see the full list of committees and representatives.

MADELEY PARISH COUNCIL Committees and Representatives as at 30th September 2019

For further information please contact the Parish Clerk, Jan Simpson,

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