
Madeley is well served with schools and well regarded locally!

Anyone with Current Information Relating to the Schools. Please Help Out and e-mail It.

In Madeley we have three schools, one senior and two primaries.

Madeley High School

is situated on the A525, central to the village. Plenty of parking outside the gates. It
is the largest school in the area.

Sir John Offley
Primary School

Situated in John Offley Road

Meadows Primary

Situated on Newcastle Road Madeley Heath.

Madeley Pre-school

Madeley Village Hall – Furnace Lane.

Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9.45 am. – 12.15 pm.

We offer a wide range of curriculum based activities for children aged between 2 1/2 – 4
years. This being a valuable start to a child’s development in preparation for starting
school. – Annually inspected by social services.

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