Vicar’s Letter May 2024

In May churches across the globe will be celebrating Ascension and Pentecost: two significant festivals in the church year but ones whose significance hasn’t really made it into wider public consciousness.

We have Christmas trees and chocolate Easter Eggs, but we don’t have Ascension Day floating slippers or Pentecost flaming hats (probably for the best on both counts, although floating slippers could be fun!)

These two festivals when we mark the end of Jesus’ resurrection appearances and his ascent to heaven (Ascension Day) and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost) are key parts of the Christian story.

For a number of years the Church of England has marked these festivals by especially committing to pray during the days between Ascension and Pentecost. Here at our churches in Betley and Madeley we’ll be marking Thy Kingdom Come with a number of events.

At St. Margaret’s Betley my colleague Ruth will be launching a new ‘prayer space’ within the church building. It will be a place set aside for prayer where people can go to pray throughout the day.

At All Saints’ Madeley on Pentecost (Sunday 19th May) there will be interactive prayer stations set up in church between 2-6pm, and at 6:30pm there will be an opportunity to worship through scripture, song and prayer.

Meanwhile, on May the 11th between 1-4pm Rev Dot and I will be hosting a Quiet Afternoon at St. Chad’s church in Wybunbury.

Of course, one of the wonderful things about the Christian faith is that we can always pray. It doesn’t need to be at a special festival, or in a special place or with special words. God is always there ready to meet us when we pray.



About Stephen

Lay Chair of All Saints' Church Council and Treasurer. Retired Head of University Secretariat at Keele, Secretary of North Staffs Classical Association, Secretary of North Shropshire CLP, former Woore Parish Councillor & Vice-Chairman of Woore Neighbourhood Plan Team, now complete. Chairman of Sir John Offley's Almshouse Trust, Madeley.
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