Tidy Group Minutes 14th March.

Madeley Tidy Group
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on Monday 14th March 2016


Alan Woodhouse; Sue Machin, Chris Machin, Roy Dutton, Helen Dutton, Anne Shaw, Anne Nicholson, John Berrington, Lynda Berrington, Chris Wright, , Melanie Deacon

Also in attendance were councilors . Billy Welsh , Anthea Bourne, , Alan Rowley and Beryl Ruscoe


Andy Capewell, Phil Shaw

Minutes of 11th January 2016

Accepted as a true record;

Proposed by Anne Shaw
Seconded by Roy Dutton

Treasurer’s report;

Balance at the end of February £1128.31.

A big thank you to John Berrington ,who after 16 years of service to the Tidy group has decided to retire.
Two extra signatories will be required

Debbie Burns has volunteered to help out with Treasurer duties if required.

Thank you to Helen and Roy Dutton for volunteering to take this role on .
Proposed by Sue Machin
Seconded by Anne Shaw

Matters Arising

Anne Shaw thanked Sue and Chris for all their hard work over the past 16 years of the Tidy group.
Chris and Sue are moving out of the area so will be retiring from the Tidy group.
Everyone in the group agreed and everyone wished them well.
A big thank you to Anne Shaw who has volunteered to take on the Chairpersons role .
Proposed by Alan Woodhouse.
Seconded by Chris Wright.

PR and Sponsorship report

Thank you to Chris Machin , who has decided to retire after many years of hard work.
Phil Shaw has volunteered to take on the P.R. Duties.
Proposed by Sue Machin
Seconded by Alan Woodhouse.

Helen and Roy have volunteered to take on the Sponsorship role .
Proposed by Alan Woodhouse
Seconded by Anne Shaw

Debbie burns has also volunteered to help if required.

The daffodils have been exceptional this year especially around the pool at Holm Oak drive.
The gardening season is about to start.
This years daffodils have been planted mainly up at Madeley Heath.
The RHS its your neighbourhood application is open until 30.5.16. if required .
Ricky’s memorial tree is at Elmside Nursery awaiting planting . Permission required from the trustees .Anthia to be contacted.
Chris Wright suggested a regular gardening time each week, meeting at the Vicarage Lane bed. Starting on Monday the 11th April ay 10.30am. Then the 2nd Monday of the month.

Any Other Business.

A meal has been arranged at the Offley Arms on Friday 15th April.

Litter Pick

A litter bin is required by the New road bus stop.

The next litter pick is on April 30th

Dates for litter picks in 2016 are;
April 30 , May 28 , June 25 , July 30 , August 27 , September 24 , October 29 , November 26.

Future Plans

ACTION . Alan to paint the newly repaired Long Trough with wood preserver.
ACTION. Pete Wells from Apedale to be contacted about Workshop kits for Bug houses and Hedgehog hotels.
Chris Wright to arrange bird box and bird tables kits.
School Liaison –Anne to start at The Meadows school .Helen Proctor 750313
Planting theme for the flower beds. Aim for all year round colour and wildlife friendly ..
Obtain bag-o’s from Newcastle under lyme borough council.
Cut back the grass next to the foot path at the Vicarage Lane bed.
Soil improver required. Simon Long
Roy Dutton has obtained a water 1000ltr container


Leaflets are now placed in local shops and on the web site.
An improved household recycling scheme is about to start.

Meeting dates

At the Madeley Centre (Bar area) 7.30

Dates of the 2016 Committee Meetings are ;

May 9th , July 11th , September 12th , October , 10th November 14th (A.G.M.)

Agenda for next meeting

Minutes of previous meeting
Treasurers Report
Matters Arising
PR Report and Sponsorship
Any other business
Litter Picks
Future Plans

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