RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood
Assessment Form 2015
Entry Name: Madeley Tidy Group, Madeley, Newcastle under Lyme Assessor: Donna Loasby Date: 20th July 2015
50 words of introduction re entry:
Madeley village is very fortunate to have this small group of hard-working and dedicated community volunteers, led by Sue the group’s co-ordinator, to keep it looking very tidy. The tour showed off all the attractive troughs and planters that have been created with mainly sustainable plants. In Vicarage Lane there was a very attractive flower bed with a mixture of colourful perennials and bedding plants. The new ‘Madeley Tidy Group’ planters are a welcome addition under the village entrance signs.
Section A – Community Participation (40% or 40 points)
The group is working towards things such as: Being inclusive of local people Local ownership and direction Making a difference to local people Involving local people with planning, decision-making, communication & implementation Representative of the local community Getting support (e.g. from local council, grant aid, sponsorship, in-kind aid etc.) Planning for the future Working in partnership with other organisations (i.e. police, community support officers, environmental groups etc.)
Total points assessed for Section A 28 (out of 40)
Section B – Environmental Responsibility (30% or 30 points)
The group is engaged in environmental activities such as: Conservation (e.g. resources, heritage, wildlife, built environment) Composting Recycling Creating, maintaining or improving green space Sharing knowledge and skills The group is engaged in addressing environmental issues such as: Fly-tipping Fly-posting Litter Graffiti Dog fouling
Total points assessed for Section B 22 (out of 30)
Section C- Gardening Achievement (30% or 30 points)
The group is employing good gardening practices appropriate to the area, such as: good plant choice Good maintenance, presentation and management Creativity Innovation Overcoming site difficulties Enhancing the area through gardening
Total points assessed for Section C (out of 30) 23
LEVEL ACHIEVED Level 4 – Thriving
Areas of achievement:
All the daffodil bulbs , bluebells, crocuses and snowdrops that have been planted around the village;
The memorial trees;
The monthly litter picks;
The bird boxes sited around the village;
Your new young volunteer;
Your plans for the “build your own bug hotel” ;
Being awarded Newcastle in Bloom ‘Best Community Group Champions Award’ in 2014.
Level Description Points
Level 1 Establishing 0-35
Level 2 Improving 36-52
Level 3 Developing 53-68
Level 4 Thriving 69-85
Level 5 Outstanding 86-100